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We had a BLAST this session on our space adventure at Richland Academy! Campers learned all about constellations, planets, electricity, and even took a journey to the moon. We celebrated Star Wars day in week one, where everyone learned how to control the force with lightsabers! Additionally, in week two we had Alien Day, where campers made little alien pets and flying saucers. All our campers made and launched their rockets as well, with some flying all the way across the field! 


The Freshkids’ creativity was out of this world these past two weeks! They built light-up constellation lamps, learned how to drive robots, made mars rovers and also created their own circuits and flashlights. They came to camp with lots of awesome facts about space and were super excited to learn all about our solar system! They also had tons of fun playing in the sprinklers on a hot day and building rockets to launch into the sky. 


The Sprockets showed a passion for space this session! They built light-up rocket ships, 3D printed their own R2D2s, designed a mars rover and created a working hovercraft. They learned lots about outer space and planets, including a stellar lesson on black holes and an interactive demo about the layers of the Earth. They enjoyed playing in the sprinklers on a hot day and spending some time outside going on a moon rock hunt!

Check Out Our Session One Highlights Video!